Subject : 8th PE (Coach Brian) | 1  |
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A | M | E |
A | M | E |
A | M | E |
Students use a variety of movement forms, concepts and principles in the development of motor skills |
Movement- The student demonstrates a mature form of the following skills: Throw, catch, kick, strike, volley, dribble with hands, dribble with feet | | ✓ | | | | | | | |
Balance- The student demonstrates the ability to change direction quickly while the body is in motion | | | ✓ | | | | | | |
Object Control- The student is able to control & manipulate an object with both sides of the body while moving | | ✓ | | | | | | | |
Students understand how to maintain a health enhancing level of physical fitness |
Identifies positive feelings associated with participation in physical activities | | ✓ | | | | | | | |
Identifies strengths and weaknesses based upon the results of health related fitness assessment | | ✓ | | | | | | | |
Students practice responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings. |
Listens and follows directions | | ✓ | | | | | | | |
Accepts the teacher’s decision without displaying negative reactions | ✓ | | | | | | | | |
Recognizes and appreciates various levels of skills and abilities in self and others | | ✓ | | | | | | | |
1st Term NARRATIVE |
This has been an exciting trimester in P.E. The middle school students are getting to know their new gym and outdoor space. They have participated in team activities and competitions in soccer, basketball, relay’s and capture the flag. Each student has also had the opportunity to display individual skills in underhand toss, running, fleeing, dodging and jump roping.
For the next session we will continue working on teamwork and individual fitness. In addition, we will be talking about goal setting and celebrating successes to become more confident with our physical abilities.
Coach | Brian | | | | | | |